Many people and internet users in Pakistan often face difficulties while using adwords for advertising purpose. Adwords Credit Card is also difficult to find in Pakistan as Pakistani debit cards do not work with google adwords and if you want to use to avail coupons thne you can’t use it multiple times.To solve this issue you need to get a credit card that may be used to attach in adwords.Again you can use only one credit card for one account.Again you will have to face problem while using adwords.To solve this problem you can get Adwords Credit Card which is also know as virtual credit card that come with $25 balance which can be used to run a campaign of $100 as well after getting a coupons.
Reloadable Adwords Credit Card Features:
You can get the Following Benefits by getting this Card.
- It comes with $25 preloaded balance which is the minimum needed to activate the coupons and verify your billing address.
- You can use this card at US,UK or Canadian billing address as well.Your account will be verified after you use the info of this card.
- You can use this card with any name and any address.For example if you want to advertise your Pakistani or Indian website promoted in USA then you can even use it as US billing adres as well.To get US billing address you should avail VPN to make new adwords account.
- This card work perfectly for Facebook,eBay,Amazon and for Availing trail as well.
- Your Google Adwords Account Will Remain activated for life.
- You can request as many card of $25 preloaded balance you want and can create more than one account by using different billing addresses.
- 100% Safe & Legal to use for Shopping online at internet or you will get refund.
What info You will be Provided with Adwords Credit Card?
You will get the following details after you purchase the adwords cc delivered to your email with in 2 to 4hours:
16 Digit Virtual Credit Card Number
3 Digit CVV2/CVC2 Code Number
Expiry Date (**/****) mm/yyyy
How to place order?
If you are from Pakistan then you can contact us via phone number at 0312 5334949 for more details or if you are outside Pakistan then you can email through our contact us page.
On the Right Bottom you can initiate online Chat as well or fill the form to get the details.
You can send money through Easypaisa,internet banking or via paypal ( International users)
Each card will cost 1000 RS extra as a service charge plus balance.
Card 3000 Rs balance for 4200 Rs.
Card 5000 Rs baalnce for 6200 Rs
Card 10000 Rs balance for 12000 Rs
Contact page isn’t working, pls can u fix or give me an Available contact?
You can contact by phone
+92 312 53349
Do you still provide VCC that can be used for Adwords with US billing address?
yes,i do provide VCC