USA Phone Number in Pakistan (Physical sim number)

  • Get Short Codes of Verification
  • Shipment in 4 days within a country and 7 days worldwide.
  • Cheap calls to USA.
  • Get additional virtual numbers.
  • Load balance online through your card.
  • international calls from 1p


  • If you’re planning on using your regular cell phone service while traveling abroad, you may end up paying as much as $6 per minute just to make and receive calls! Some travelers return home from their trip to find a huge phone bill waiting for them in the mail – not a very pleasant way to end your trip.

    OneSimCard is the best alternative to overseas roaming with your regular cell phone company. OneSimCard provides you with low-cost mobile service in over 200 countries that saves you 85% when compared to the high international roaming rates charged by your regular mobile provider. Talk, text and surf your way to savings; with outgoing calls as low as 2c/min. Here are some more features:

    • One European mobile number and U.S. number no matter which country you are in
    • Add custom local or toll-free numbers in many other countries, including USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Israel, Mexico, Japan, South Africa and Spain
    • Free incoming calls in over 150 countries
    • Outgoing calls as low as 2c/min
    • Free incoming SMS text messages everywhere
    • Mobile Internet data service in over 130 countries
    • Unlimited data in Europe for only 20c/MB
    • Voicemail by phone, online or receive via email
    • Top-up your balance from anywhere or use auto-recharge
    • Earn Mobile Miles redeemable with hotels and airlines
    • 24/7 Global Concierge with translation and other services
    • Pay as you go – no contracts or surprise roaming charges of any kind